just wanna keep it real. take it ør leave it.- MAY ü

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

a hitch in your giddy-up

Sick Pictures, Images and Photos

Alright, before you jump to conclusions on what "a hitch in your giddy-up" means, let me tell you right now that it simply means that I am not feeling well. haha (you naughty thing). That's right, for the first time in a veeeery long time, I've gotten a flu. It's not that much of a big deal but since this is my first blog post, i thought that I should at least write something worth reading. Coz I was actually planning on posting up something a long time ago. But since this is summer (and nothing interesting usually happens since I'm stuck in the house), I told myself that I'd start posting when something unusual comes up.

So here i am :)

Anyway, my flu started 2 days ago when i woke up and i felt that my nose was stuffy. I ignored it for a while because i didn't think that I would get sick. I'm as strong as an ox and I rarely get ill so it surprised me to wake up the next morning and i was feeling aaaawful ! I tend to wake up around 10:30 am to watch a koreanovela series (which i love :D), but that time, I woke up arouond 7am because it was hot as hell in my room (or was it just me?). I felt like i was on fire then i immediately asked my mom for medicine. She gave me "bioflu".

One of the best things of being sick is that I get to lay around all day without my mom telling me to do something productive (yeah right). I can just watch TV and chill. Another great thing is that i get to have a sexxxxy voice although my throat hurts a lot and i can't eat (oh well). I make it a point to drink lots of water. I actually drank half of the 5 gallon in our dispenser (which is a lot because i almost don't drink water at all).

Serious Drinking Pictures, Images and Photos

(not like this. haha)

It's kinda ironic that I got sick unsuspectedly.
Specially with the fact that I sleep earlier than what I am accustomed to
(which is around 3 to 4am).
My mom even made me take some vitamin C (another wierd thing because I have a cold now).
I'm really puzzled and i can't figure out how on earth could i have gotten sick like this.
A high school friend of mine texted me and told me that having a flu is "USO" nowadays because of the changing and unusual weather conditions.
Well, maybe i can agree to that since the weather recently is very screwed up.
(one day its sunny, and the next its rainy.. and vice versa).
He also told me that sleeping early(which im not used to) and the vitamins may have "triggered" the toxins in my body. haha
Well, that's his diagnosis.
But whatever happens, I actually missed being sick. haha

But u know, there a lot of things i DO hAteHateHATEhatEhatehate when i get sick.

I really hate the fact that i was sooo weak that i couldn't do my daily routine of 200 crunches and sit-ups.
Which bytes because I've been continuously doing the same routine for a couple of months now.
I'm hoping to get well and get started again :)

I also hate that i couldn't go out because me and my mom were supposed to get our hair done yesterday. arrghhh..

Another thing is that i couldn't take a freakin' bath! which is the most annoying thing of all. I don't like being dirty, or sticky, or smelly, or sweaty... or any combination of the four! haha
I tried washing my face with my facial wash (the antibacterial scrub one),
and my face hurt so bad. haha!
I think my face was sore too because the scrub felt like LIHA to me.
Then i realized, i should've used dove right? haha.
That night, I decided to sleep downstairs (on a matress) because my throat couldn't handle staying in an airconditioned room.
My cold might get worse too.
I didn't get much sleep though. :c
The last thing is that I didn't get to go online for 2 days. hehe.
This is kinda new to me because I usually spend most of my time in front of the computer.
(Maybe that's why i got sick? Watcha think?) :D
I missed this.
And just like I promised, I finally wrote my first post. Yay !
Hope I get better soon so i could attend our reunion with my elementary school classmates ! haha
I'll let you know how that turns out.
Anyway, I gotta bounce. :)
Just wanted to share my "swine flu-ish flu" experience.

I hope this is a good start! ü
Catch you on the flipslide ! :D

peace out Pictures, Images and Photos


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